VOTE: Is This Appropriate Behavior For Reporters?

Zach Gibson/Getty Images

Graeme Gallagher Contributor
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Twitter was in an uproar when reporters helped Democratic 2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris with her choice of fashion last weekend.

Political pundits and reporters alike criticized multiple videos from CNN, CBS and NBC reporters showing the California senator trying on a sequenced jacket on her campaign stop in South Carolina.

Kamala’s new “Mardi Gras Coat” faced backlash from all angles on Twitter, including Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume, who called the coverage “embarrassing,” and Time columnist Christopher Hale, who did not see the coverage as “objective journalism.” (RELATED: Kamala Harris Stammers When Asked About Smollett ‘Lynching’ Comments) 

CBS reporter Caitlin Huey-Burns defended herself on Twitter, saying that they asked the candidate about policy and other issues earlier in the day.

The debate continued as more journalists and pundits jumped in to defend the reporters saying that the event was from Harris’s tour of small businesses in Columbia, South Carolina.

In addition, they also referenced times in the past when candidates had more casual moments with reporters during campaign trail coverage. (RELATED: Kamala Harris Claims To Have Listened To Sno0p Dogg, Tupac While Smoking Pot) 

We want to turn the debate over to you. What do you think about Harris’s coverage? Should this be appropriate for reporters? Vote and let us know below.