
Democrat response to the elections: we just need more voters

Rusty Weiss Rusty Weiss is a long-time political analyst and Editor of the New York political blog, The Mental Recession. His work has appeared at the Daily Caller, FreedomWorks, Fox News, and he currently writes for The Political Insider and Headline Politics.
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This past election cycle, the American people marched to the polls with a clear-cut message for their officials in Washington — stop.  Stop the rise of massive government.  Stop developing policy behind closed doors, through backroom deals.  And stop this anti-American agenda.  The results were a “shellacking” for the party in power.

Despite the clarity of voice with which the people spoke on November 2nd, the Democrats’ response indicates that they did not get the message.  Despite troubling job uncertainty, and an extension of the Bush tax cuts on the table, Democrats are pushing what would seemingly be a low-priority issue: immigration legislation.

President Obama recently met with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus to discuss passage of the DREAM Act (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors).  The act, which Investor’s Business Daily describes quite simply as “an amnesty bill,” would open a path to citizenship for illegal immigrant students.  Worse, it is being viewed as a “down payment” to more widespread amnesty measures.

But why would progressives push such legislation during a lame-duck session?  Because the public is clamoring for illegal alien amnesty?  No.  Because they intend to spit in the face of the American people once again?  Yes.

Rather than responding to the midterm election results by actually listening to the message of the American people, Democrats have decided the appropriate response is to add millions of voters who will vote for them.

Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin refers to the DREAM Act as “a 2.1 million future Democrat voter recruitment drive” and as just another part of the progressive plan to “redraw the political map and secure a permanent ruling majority.”  But that number could easily expand to upwards of 6 million over the next decade, according to a GOP report.

Sound a little too conspiratorial?  Not so much…

Election time saw the name Mi Familia Vota, a group that works in conjunction with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), perpetually appearing in stories of voter fraud.

Fraud and illegal immigration — what’s a few laws between Dems?

President and CEO of the Mi Familia Vota Education Fund (MFVEF), Cuc Vu, worked for nearly five years as Immigration Campaign Manager at the SEIU.  During that time, Vu worked closely with the SEIU’s newly minted international secretary-treasurer, Eliseo Medina.

Medina’s name should be familiar to Republicans.  While the media would like to portray Medina as a mild-mannered immigration advocate, he is actually a progressive with a dangerous immigration mindset.

Medina sent an email to supporters in September expressing staunch support for the DREAM Act amnesty bill.

“It’s essential we urge all Senators to vote yes on the DREAM Act amendment,” he wrote.

The email fittingly closed with the phrase, “¡Si se puede!” or “Yes we can!”

The blanket amnesty of illegals in our country is not just important to Medina on a personal level, but it is a crucial part of the Democrat plan to regain power, and possibly re-elect President Obama in 2012.

Medina previously served as a member of Obama’s National Latino Advisory Council and as honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America.  As such, he used the platform of an America’s Future Now! Conference in 2009 to outline a plan for long-term Democrat rule through blanket amnesty.

“We reform the immigration laws; it puts 12 million people on the path to citizenship and eventually voters. If we have eight million new voters who care about, and will be voting, we will be creating a governing coalition for the long term.”

Democrats won’t stop with the DREAM Act in their pursuit of “a governing coalition for the long term.”  This past summer, the Obama administration was pushing for non-legislative routes to amnesty via a memo between staff and the director of the Citizenship and Immigration Service.  In that memo was a revelation that the department was reviewing viable substitutes for comprehensive immigration reform; including rewriting legal opinions and reviewing executive orders, among other mechanisms for amnesty.

A lame-duck Congress with nothing to lose currently stands as the Democrats’ best chance of passing amnesty legislation.  We have spent nearly two years suffering at the hands of an anti-American regime, and it is attempting once again to circumvent the will of the people.

Republicans and Democrats sitting on the fence need to commit to voting “no” on this sham.  The DREAM Act could be the Obama administration’s dream come true, or a nightmare to law-abiding citizens of this nation.

Rusty can be reached at The Mental Recession, or via Twitter @rustyweiss74.