The Mirror

Job Title of the Week: ‘Nipple Tattoo Artist’

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Washington’s ABC7 had an eye-popping segment on the 11 p.m. news last night. They did a story on nipple tattooing involving a local artist. The cause is a good one. It’s for women who’ve had breast cancer and want their nipples and areolas back.

This is where Vinny Myers, the “nipple tattoo artist” just outside Baltimore comes in. He’s known as the “Michaelangelo of nipple tattooing” and apparently goes for the 3D effect.

Anchor Leon Harris was very sensitive about the whole thing. “Now you may not think about it, but there’s still often something missing,” he said of women who have had mastectomies and reconstructive surgery. “Now we want to caution you, the video you’re about to see is graphic, but we have to use it to tell a very important story tonight.”

The cost: $400 for one breast, $600 for two — all thanks to the “nipple tattoo artist.” By far the most unusual job title we’ve come across all week.

(Dear readers: Washington is full of obnoxiously long or otherwise weird job titles. This one’s an awesome exception. Write in and let me know about them at