The Mirror

Anthony Weiner Horses Around At Sex Rehab

REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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A lot of members of Congress do stints in rehab when all hell breaks loose in their lives.

But they’re not all spotted galloping around on a horse in the woods.

Let’s just hope equine therapy works on whatever ails Anthony Weiner.

You knew it was only a matter of time until the New York Post or another tabloid found him at his “tony” rehab facility called The Recovery Ranch in Nunnelly, Tenn.

I guess we can breathe easy that Weiner isn’t Nevada’s infamous Moonlite Bunny Ranch.

This ranch, while pricey, sounds more promising. The website says it treats sex addiction and intimacy disorders as well asa  long list of other issues. A typical day is laid out on the website. So if Weiner has a “typical” experience his routine will look something like this:

Mornings will involving meal prep with a group of his peers between 6:30 and 7. Between 7 and 7:30 Weiner and his new pals will engage in “gentle fitness activity.” After exercise, they will have a “mindful breakfast” where they are urged to use all of their senses — taste, smell and, uh oh, touch.

Afternoons mean “mindful lunch” as well as individual therapy and “adventure” therapies with equine therapy in the mix.

By evening, things wind down with dinner from 5:45 to 6:45. From 7 to 9 there is group therapy. (Weiner will have, uh oh, free time for “homework and other activities.”) At 9p.m. they close the day with “meditation and reflection.”

Other aspects of the ranch’s Men’s Sexual Addiction Program include a sweat lodge, an intensive ropes course, ketamine (for the severely depressed), and walking a labyrinth to explore spirituality.

NYP reporters did not go easy on him. They called him “perverted” and said he “looked pensive as he meandered through the trees at the expensive ranch.”

And for maybe the first time ever, Weiner remained silent when reporters approached and asked for a comment.

They wrote that he “looked glum” and said nothing before riding off.

Weiner is no doubt enjoying the workout facilities and nutrition expertise at the ranch.

Let’s hope he’s steering clear of selfies — according to news reports, he’s not allowed to use his gadgets.

Weiner is awaiting word on whether he’ll be charged with a crime for sexting with a 15-year-old girl.