
Poll: Most Americans Don’t Want ICE Abolished

Kerry Picket Political Reporter
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Most American likely voters do not want to see the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency abolished, a Rasmussen poll released Thursday shows.

According to the online survey, 55 percent oppose abolishing the agency, while only 25 percent support the idea of eradicating it completely. The remaining 20 percent of voters, however, told Rasmussen they were undecided as to whether the border enforcement agency should be abolished.

Additionally, the poll shows that 69 percent of Republicans and fifty-three percent of voters not affiliated with either major party say they would not support getting rid of ICE.

But although a growing number of key Democrats have called for abolishing ICE, many in their party still want to keep the agency. According to Rasmussen, 44 percent of Democrat voters want to keep the agency while 36 percent want to see it gone.

More mainstream Democratic lawmakers have joined their progressive colleagues in supporting the abolishment of ICE since New York Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocacio Cortez, who ran on the abolish ICE platform, ousted long-time Democrat New York congressional incumbent Joe Crowley from his seat. These lawmakers include Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin and New Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand.

The national poll of 1,000 likely voters was conducted between June 27 and June 28. The margin of sampling error was +/- 3 percentage points with a 95-percent level of confidence, Rasmussen stated.

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