
Former Military Intelligence Official: UFO Materials Being Analyzed Could ‘Make Some Sort Of Definitive Conclusion’ Of Origins

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History Channel star and former military intelligence official Luis Elizondo said his company has “obtained quite a bit of material” that could, after analysis, provide the ability to “make some sort of definitive conclusion” on UFO origins.


“Our company over the last year and a half has actually obtained quite a bit of material,” the “Unidentified” star told Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Friday night’s edition of “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “Let me first preface by saying some of that material that’s providence is frankly hearsay while other of the providence of some of this other material has been substantiated.”

Elizondo told Tucker his company is currently “analyzing this material” by “looking at its physical properties, its chemical or molecular properties and then ultimately atomic properties.”

“And it’s really at that point we’ll be able to make some sort of definitive conclusion,” he said, adding that it would still need to go through the scientific process and peer review. (RELATED: Navy Declassifies 2015 Footage Of Pilots Encountering UFO)

The UFO researcher told Carlson that “interesting isotopic ratios” not “normally found on this planet” could lead to either the conclusion that either it’s been purposefully engineered or it “came from somewhere else.”

In May, Elizondo expressed his belief in a “low probability” that declassified UFO sightings were of this world.

“Tucker, we are well beyond right now establishing whether or not these things exist,” he told Carlson during a May appearance. “It is an absolute fact that they are there. Now, what they are, where they are from, who is behind the wheel, we simply don’t know. Is it possible these things are a foreign adversarial technology that somehow was developed in secret and we are just now trying to figure these things out? It’s possible. But, there are also other possibilities as well, of what these things could be.”