
Video Shows Tennessee Football Coach Jeremy Pruitt Pulling Shawn Shamburger By His Jersey

Jeremy Pruitt (Credit: Screenshot/Twitter Video https://twitter.com/JordanDajani/status/1198444393767874561?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Tennessee football coach Jeremy Pruitt wasn’t pleased with Shawn Shamburger during a 24-20 win over Missouri on Saturday.

A video is making the rounds on Twitter, and it shows Pruitt on the sideline yanking Shamburger around. According to 247Sports, he was upset about a late hit from the defensive back late in the game.

You can watch the exchange below.

I have no doubt there are going to be plenty of people who are upset with Pruitt’s actions. I won’t be one of them, but I’m sure the complaining will be over the top. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

Well, I have a newsflash for all of you. Sometimes there needs to be a little bit of tough love. That’s what Pruitt was doing here with one of his Tennessee players.

He wasn’t abusing Shamburger. He was pulling him by the jersey to get his attention after a stupid play.

There’s nothing wrong with a coach sometimes getting in a player’s face. Now, I’m not saying a coach should ever get physical with a player in a bad way.

That’s never excusable, but there’s a huge gap between what goes too far and grabbing a young man’s jersey.

Pruitt didn’t cross the line at all. Now, if he was being extremely physical or putting a player in danger, then it’d be a different conversation.

Grabbing a player’s jersey is hardly crossing the line.