De Blasio Heckled By Protesters While Painting ‘Black Lives Matter’ In Front Of Trump Tower

(David Dee Delgado/Getty Images)

Varun Hukeri General Assignment & Analysis Reporter
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Democratic New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio was heckled by a group of protestors Thursday after he showed up to help paint a Black Lives Matter mural on Fifth Avenue outside Trump Tower.

The mayor was joined by his wife First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev. Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and Democratic New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney, the New York Post reported. After arriving at the scene, the mayor was heckled by a few men who shouted “douchebag de Blasio.”

“This is such an important moment for our city,” de Blasio told volunteers holding paint rollers. “We are making a statement today of what we value in New York City.” While the mural was being painted, hecklers also chanted “shame on you” and one woman reportedly yelled, “Hitler told us all lives didn’t matter too,” according to the New York Post.

De Blasio authorized the street mural, painted in giant yellow letters, earlier this month. The move hasn’t pleased all Black Lives Matter supporters, however, as the Black Lives Matter Global Network Group called the move a “performative distraction from real policy changes,” CNN reported.

The move didn’t sit well with President Donald Trump either, who called out the mayor’s supporters for previous inflammatory comments against the New York City Police Department (NYPD) in a tweet June 25. “NYC Police are furious!,” the president said. (RELATED: NYPD Shows Up In Force To Dismantle Protesters’ New NYC ‘CHAZ’)

In the past week, 179 NYPD officers have filed for retirement amid growing tensions with de Blasio, who announced that he would be slashing the NYPD budget and disbanding the force’s anti-crime unit. The mayor also stated in June that he would be reallocating NYPD funding to youth initiatives and social services.

De Blasio said Thursday in an interview with CNN host Wolf Blitzer he would permit Black Lives Matter protestors to demonstrate in public. The decision was made despite the fact that New York City banned large public gatherings through September and is currently experiencing a steady increase in coronavirus cases, Fox News reported.