
REVIEW: ‘Boardwalk Empire’ Ends With A Disappointing 5th Season, Is Still One Of The Best Shows Ever Made

Boardwalk Empire (Credit: Screenshot/YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGozysFUgU0)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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I have finally finished all of “Boardwalk Empire,” and I have no doubt it’ll go down as one of the greatest shows ever made.

As those of you following along know, I’ve been crushing the classic HBO hit show, and I’ve reached the closing credits on the fifth and final season. (REVIEW: ‘Westworld’ Season 3 Ends With The Possible Deaths Of Multiple Characters)

Let me start with the final season. It’s really disappointing. It’s really disappointing compared to the first four seasons.

Now, that’s not to say the fifth season was bad. It most certainly wasn’t. In fact, it was really good compared to your average TV show.

However, the first four seasons of “Boardwalk Empire” were incredible. You couldn’t look away. That’s not how the fifth season felt.

It felt rushed and put together quickly. That’s not what “Boardwalk Empire” was all about in the earlier seasons.

Also, I hated Nucky’s backstory. Why was any of that necessary? He’s this great anti-hero, and there was no reason for any of that. Was some of it interesting? Sure, but in the final season, I wanted to see as much as Steve Buscemi as possible. Not less of him.

As for the final moments of the show and the conclusion, it was okay but far from great. I won’t spoil it, but I suppose it was trying to send some message about never being able to outrun your past. It’s appropriate, but not overly necessary.

Now, for the show as a whole, you’d have to be a moron to think “Boardwalk Empire” won’t be remembered as an all-time classic, especially when it comes to crime.

It has betrayals, tension, awesome storylines, great characters and amazing dialogue. Everything about the show was outstanding.

I’d rate the first four seasons a solid 9/10. I’d rate the final season a 6.5 or a seven. Overall, it was a hell of a show and I’m glad I watched it. If you haven’t seen it, I suggest you start watching ASAP.